elcome to Bibliotreks.com. Here, we have offered for sale some of the finest available copies of rare and collectible books on travel, exploration, discovery, views and archaeology. I founded Bibliotreks in 1999 out of a growing interest in certain rare books, particularly those written in the first person by the travelers, explorers and discoverers who brought back word of places previously unknown to the western world. It seemed to me then, as it does now, that history is fresh and new again when read through their eyes - certainly more so than through the dry, third-person compilations of editors who weren't there. The books themselves, as historical artifacts, become messengers from another time and place, bearing wondrous news of these discoveries. They deliver this news not only by their texts, but by their bindings, their illustrations, their physical condition and their provenance. I have never forgotten the sense of freshness and newness that such first-hand accounts bring. In recent years, I have wandered to places distant from the realm of rare books. Now it is time to display the collection of treasures I have brought back - An Invocation of Fragments. Copies are available through Kelsay Books, or just click on the image below. Here are the blurbs describing the collection: The reader of Ted Charnley's An Invocation of Fragments will immediately be struck by three qualities present throughout this remarkable and consistently surprising collection: learning, wit and the mastery of craft. The allusions are multiplicitous and wide-ranging, and the array of forms - Sapphics, sonnets, villanelles, pantoums, rondeaus, to name only some - is dauntingly impressive. Moreover, it is as if the poet has taken to heart Keats' advice to Shelley and loaded "every rift with ore" - without being unduly dense, individual lines are freighted and packed with meaning. The "fragments" the poet feelingly invokes and that the reader discovers and savors here are those of Western Civilization itself, summoned and reflected upon by a well-stocked, curious and committed consciousness. Happy reading.
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